Friday, May 3, 2013


I decided to read chapter 18 which is about sentences. This chapter talks about how to revise your sentences for the rhetoric of the sentences style. It states, “a writer who understands how to build sentences is a writer who understands the key concept of sentence style: that there is a powerful link between the shape of a sentence and the shape of a thought” (391). And they summarize this key idea with the phrase, a sentence is the shape thought takes.


Operating assumptions
When you create sentences that are going to work for you and to help your reader understand your meaning as you wish them to, it is a must for many writers to re-orient the way they think about sentences. They are three “laws” corollaries of primary mantra that every sentence is a shape thought takes. The first is every sentence is a delivery system which mean by that is stop thinking that a sentence is a neutral carrier of meanings. The second is every sentence possesses style means start focusing on what makes sentences right rather than on what makes them wrong. The last one is every sentences composed of interchangeable parts which means you can rearrange the parts.

I liked the section, “the simple sentence: one statement at a time” because I always struggle with writing sentences. I just write whatever I want to say to readers, and then it gets longer. This long sentence gets lost and I forget what I'm talking about and it becomes confusing. The simple sentence is kind of a single independent clause. An independent clause is which can stand alone, such as The dog was depressed. The simple sentences are good to use when you want to say something clearly and forcefully. But if you have too many simple sentences in a row, it probably means you are not adequately connecting your ideas. As you use a simple sentence, you can find your problem with your ideas.

Since I read this chapter, I am going to revise my sentences better and come up with more expanded sentences. As I said before, I get lost in what I was going to say about something. I tend to cannot write down my thoughts within letters. It could be better if I write my thoughts in simple sentences. And then make connections between sentences that go together. I think this would be more work for my sentences in my revision of my writing project.