Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog #11

For my first draft of writing project #2, honestly, I kind of rushed and I did not think my first draft is organized nor clear because I did it kind of last minute. I had a hard time trying to choose a discourse community because I was not sure what the discourse community can be. Also, I was confused on how I should write about them. When I was writing, I did not know what I was writing about. I know I need to spend more time to work on my writing project #2.

When I discussed with my partner, she said that my essay sounds interesting but for the introduction, I need to show a clearer purpose, goal, and argument of what I am writing about. Also, I need to add some rhetorically analysis because she said it seems I just described the discourse community. She mentioned that I try to make extended conversations about one side and then the other side. That way I can have a better flow. She also told me that she wants to hear more about the women who experienced a change in beauty and their feelings about the transitions and such. 

For my second draft of my writing, I am going to make sure that my purpose/goal of my writing is clearly written and I will make good arguments with it. I always have a hard time trying to write rhetorically so, I will go back to look up Prezi, which we discussed in class on Wednesday. It is not on the Prezi yet but I am sure he is going to post. Mr. Frank gave us the examples about good introduction, conversation, and rhetorically analyzing. It was really helpful of him to give examples for our first writing project rather than just explaining. I think that is because we all know what the writing project was about. Also, I will research more about my discourse community and make sure that I know what I am writing about. 

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