Writing Project 2
Before I start my essay, I kind of panicked because there was one more 7 to 8 page writing project. I was really unsure where to start from because I was unclear which discourse community I want to write on. I chose hospital and doctors the last time when we learned about analysis the discourse community in class but I was not sure what things I should write about hospital and doctors. I kept thinking about how I am going write 7 to 8 pages and what I should talk when it comes to the hospital and doctors, but I could not think of any arguments. I think because I do not know that much about them. Then, I decided to write about young women because I thought this discourse community is going to be easier to write with. I can easily include my thoughts and opinions into this topic, because I was more familiar with the topic.
This discourse community is really interesting to me because I am in this community and I feel that I could agree with them. That is why I choose this discourse community. Young women are sensitive on trend. In my opinion, most young women’s focus more on their looks. For example, in today’s society first impression is extremely important going to a job interview. One issue of this discourse community is that the media has such an enormous influence on not only young women but everyone actually. The media has such control over us that we do not even notice how much it has impacted us. For instance, the standard of women’s body, the media portray the ideal body to be skinny. Everywhere you go or see is skinny beautiful young women. We have this image embedded in our head of what beauty is defined as. This is a huge issue; beauty cannot be defined by our size. The media is sending a horrible message to young girls out there, and the worst part is we are letting them do this. This idea of being perfect or having the perfect body does not exist so we cannot be brain wash by the media. We have to except the fact that what we born with is a blessing and just learn to love and embrace our imperfections.
Chapter 11
In the chapter 11, it is about how to improve and write a good and clear thesis statement to make your paper explore. I always struggle with writing a thesis statement. The reason behind this is because it is hard to adapt to the English language and writing. I know that having a thesis statement is one of the key elements to have in my writing. The author states that “A thesis is an idea. It is a thought that you have arrived at about your evidence, rather than something you can expect to find, ready-made, in whatever you are studying.” Having a good thesis can be having a good idea so, it help to explore your thought with good evidence. I am pretty sure this chapter is going to be really help to write thesis statement in the future.
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