Chapter 7 of Writing Analytically was about how to improve your writing
more analytically. I found that this chapter is really helpful for my writing
project because I know that analytical thinking is going to make an advancement
in my writing. This chapter is about various strategies for making more
creative and better ideas. These are some of the common topics: summary,
personal response: the reaction paper, agree/disagree, comparison/contrast and
definition. The first thing I was interested in was summary because I am not comfortable with the
idea of summarizing analytically, and my partner commented on the summary
paragraph on my first draft. So, I should use these strategies on my writing
project that summarize the other sources that support my ideas. It is important
because writing analytical summary can help you to have more ideas about what
you are summarizing. Also, when you are summarizing the text, you can better
understand what you are reading. Another interesting part was personal response. We learned
in class how to make good responses to each other, and we should apply these
ideas when we reply to other’s blogs. Personal response deals with asking what
is interesting, see-through, mainly significant, and/or difficult in the
class, Mr. Frank taught us the number
system. He said that he is going to teach us how to remember the numbers
easier, and if we learned it that way then we can remember any one of the
numbers. I was wondering how he was going to teach us and I was
interested because I am a really forgetful person. I cannot really remember
numbers well. For example, like a friend’s birthday and phone number. I have to
look on my phone when someone asks me someone’s phone number. Also, when my
parents were looking for a lawn mower, I was following them, and we were like
comparing the price from store to store. I had to take a picture of the prices
because I kept forgetting the prices. So, I was thinking this is a good chance
to learn how to remember numbers.
is the number system:
= T, D
= N
= M
= R
= L
= Sh, Ch, J
= K, G
= F, V
= P, B
= S, Z
class on Wednesday, the discourse I wrote about was doctors. They use medical
terms which are really hard and difficult to understand. Most of the words they
use are abbreviations of the name of a disease. Also, we cannot understand
their hand writing but doctors and nurses are able to understand.

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